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The ALTOP publishing and distribution company has been a sustainable interface between ecology and economy for 30 years. ALTOP supports sustainably operating companies with know-how, cross-sector networking and cross-media communication solutions. ALTOP combines print and online media with events and dialogue marketing.

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Bildschirmfoto 2020-06-21 um

forum Sustainable Business is the CSR magazine with the greatest reach for politics, business, non-profit organizations and society in the German-speaking countries. forum Sustainable Business is published quarterly, brings up-to-date online contributions and thus offers a cross-media communication network.

The Federal German Working Group for Environmentally Conscious Management ( BAUM ), with well over 500 members, is the largest corporate network for sustainable management and wants to inspire companies, municipalities and organizations for sustainable management and to support them in their ecologically effective, economically sensible and socially just implementation.

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The BUND for Environment and Nature Conservation Germany can be described as one of the "classic" environmental organizations. In its extensive network of district groups, local groups and regional associations, around 480,000 members are organized who work for ecological agriculture, climate protection and the protection of endangered species.

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The German Nature Protection Ring ( DNR ), as the umbrella organization of German environmental protection organizations, represents 90 member organizations, which together reach around 11 million people. The list of members reads like a who's who of nature conservation organizations, from BUND and NABU to the Association of German Cave and Karst Researchers (VdHK).

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Nature protection organization Greenpeace

Greenpeace has achieved global importance as an environmental protection organization with spectacular campaigns such as the occupation of the Brent Spar oil platform and the boycott of nuclear waste transports. The number of members in Germany is around 560,000.

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Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU)

The NaBu is also one of the classic environmental protection organizations. The approximately 420,000 members have set themselves the goal of preserving our nature so that future generations will also find an earth that is worth living in.

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German Alpine Club

The world's largest mountain sports association, the "German Alpine Club", is also Germany's largest environmental organization with around 850,000 members. Just like sport, nature conservation activities mainly apply to alpine areas.

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Peta (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) fights for the ethical handling of animals worldwide. The Peta's list of missions includes grievances such as factory farming, fur farming, animal testing and entertainment animals. The animal rights organization has around 30,000 members in Germany.

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Robin Wood

Robin Wood - Nonviolent Action Group for Nature and Environment eV started around 1982 as the "Avenger of the Defoliated" as a German environmental and nature conservation organization. The association has around 5000 members and primarily does public relations work to raise awareness of environmental problems. We think it's good.

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Friends of Nature in Germany

With the guiding principle of sustainability, nature lovers have also committed themselves to the goal of a classic nature conservation organization. However, the explicit support for a democratic and socialist social order distinguishes it from many other environmental protection organizations. There are approximately 80,000 nature lovers in Germany.

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German Forest Protection Association

The Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald (Conservation Society of the German Forest) is dedicated to an essential structural feature of our landscapes. A third of the German territory is forest. Approx. 25,000 members are committed to protecting these indispensable ecosystems.

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The conservation organization WWF

The World Wide Fund For Nature ( WWF ) is committed to establishing nature reserves, maintaining endangered natural landscapes and protecting endangered animal and plant species worldwide. The environmental organization tries to act as a dialogue partner between government and business, which also brings criticism. The WWF has around 360,000 members in Germany.

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