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Treffen zum Unternehmenskonzept






Der Fachkräftemangel ist eines der grossen Themen, mit denen die Wirtschaft aktuell zu kämpfen hat. Ob Altenpflege oder Klinik, ob Kitas oder Gastronomie, überall mangelt es an Fachkräften und an Strategien, die Lücke zu füllen. Doch was ist wirklich sind die  wirklich entscheidenden Faktoren zur Mitarbeiter-gewinnung?


In diesem Seminar erfahren Sie, mit welchen Tools sie Mitarbeiter gewinnen und nachhaltig für Ihr Unternehmen begeistern können. 



Very few people fail due to a lack of knowledge. Which causes them far more problems in life, is a lack of emotional intelligence, low self-esteem, a lack of social skills or low resilience in the face of stress. However, all of these skills are a prerequisite for leading a successful and fulfilling life and not constantly being "victims of circumstances" over which we usually have little or no influence. Not the partner, the boss or politics should determine our life, but exclusively we ourselves through the development of a strong personality. 

RALF EISENBARTH WELLBEING. CONSULTING. COACHING. would like to support you in developing your personality in such a way that it leads to a satisfied and responsible life. 


Very few people fail due to a lack of knowledge. Which causes them far more problems in life, is a lack of emotional intelligence, low self-esteem, a lack of social skills or low resilience in the face of stress. However, all of these skills are a prerequisite for leading a successful and fulfilling life and not constantly being "victims of circumstances" over which we usually have little or no influence. Not the partner, the boss or politics should determine our life, but exclusively we ourselves through the development of a strong personality. 

RALF EISENBARTH WELLBEING. CONSULTING. COACHING. would like to support you in developing your personality in such a way that it leads to a satisfied and responsible life. 


Very few people fail due to a lack of knowledge. Which causes them far more problems in life, is a lack of emotional intelligence, low self-esteem, a lack of social skills or low resilience in the face of stress. However, all of these skills are a prerequisite for leading a successful and fulfilling life and not constantly being "victims of circumstances" over which we usually have little or no influence. Not the partner, the boss or politics should determine our life, but exclusively we ourselves through the development of a strong personality. 

RALF EISENBARTH WELLBEING. CONSULTING. COACHING. would like to support you in developing your personality in such a way that it leads to a satisfied and responsible life. 


Very few people fail due to a lack of knowledge. Which causes them far more problems in life, is a lack of emotional intelligence, low self-esteem, a lack of social skills or low resilience in the face of stress. However, all of these skills are a prerequisite for leading a successful and fulfilling life and not constantly being "victims of circumstances" over which we usually have little or no influence. Not the partner, the boss or politics should determine our life, but exclusively we ourselves through the development of a strong personality. 

RALF EISENBARTH WELLBEING. CONSULTING. COACHING. would like to support you in developing your personality in such a way that it leads to a satisfied and responsible life. 


Very few people fail due to a lack of knowledge. Which causes them far more problems in life, is a lack of emotional intelligence, low self-esteem, a lack of social skills or low resilience in the face of stress. However, all of these skills are a prerequisite for leading a successful and fulfilling life and not constantly being "victims of circumstances" over which we usually have little or no influence. Not the partner, the boss or politics should determine our life, but exclusively we ourselves through the development of a strong personality. 

RALF EISENBARTH WELLBEING. CONSULTING. COACHING. would like to support you in developing your personality in such a way that it leads to a satisfied and responsible life. 




Vorträge (ab 45 min.) auch online

Kompakt-Workshops (3-4 Stunden) auch online

Tages-Workshops (1-2 Tage) auch online


Termine und Seminarort nach Absprache


Alle Seminare können formal und inhaltlich individuell auf Ihre Bedürfnisse angepasst oder

in ein spezifisches Wellbeing-Programm für Ihr Unternehmen eingebunden werden. 

Gerne können Sie auch eine Beratung oder Coaching für Projekte oder eine längerfristige Begleitung buchen.

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